Enlightening Elastomeric Experiences



On this page you will find stories those are in the widest sense related to the topics of this site (and those might also be interesting for rubberists/ inflatable fetish people).

science fiction:

The Glass Shrine (copyright 1999..2000 by Aerial, 164KB HTML)

This is a mystical SF short story written by me (Aerial) in the style of the Twilight Zone.

IMO it is a great, a bit eerie story with many turning points, surprises and a very unusual and intense showdown, which is definitely worth to be read. It is a bizarre kind of tragedy dealing with the intensive contrasts between strong spiritual belief, conclusions and doubt, enthusiastic worship with simultaneous ignorance, hope and deep despair about a yoga monk and his feelings and unfulfillable desires for a (bodily) really ;-) strange specimen of an extraordinary wise and charming spiritual master.

(If you find the English in this story bad, please regard that English is not my native language and that this is my first longer story ever I have written down in it.)

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