Enlightening Elastomeric Experiences

in touch with the cosmos...

This is a surgery glove resonator in its 1st operating range. They are of very thin latex, which make them feel smooth and warm already in this low range. They also transmit vibrations very well and have higher resonance frequencies than household gloves when operated so low, which makes them interesting for certain resonaKampaña meditations.

Unfortunately most sorts tend to smell unpleasant due to chemical additives.

Here you can see that inflated into higher ranges, thin latex gloves can get similarly transparent and shiny like clear toy balloons.

Unlike toy balloons, the material of such gloves is typically even of much higher quality and though has way less hysteresis. (Despite it should be avoided to operate them unnecessary long in high operating ranges, because (like generally with latex), long term operation in high ranges is serious stress for the elastomer and would damage it.)

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