within our monastery
there is a place of harmony
of peace and spirituality
for kindness and humanity
to explore the nature of the mind
- let consciousness guide the mankind
on our travel through time and space
to develop the human race.
Let there wisdom and awareness be
to make all people wise to see
the sufferance they use to cause
by egoism's violent force.
The purpose of this monastery
is meant to make the mankind free
to become aware of all those deeds
those contradict the mankind's needs.
consciousness is part of one:
regard the sufferance that is done
and change your deeds by change your mind;
- consciousness is all behind!
Feel data flow along your spine
- experience of the divine
though overcome brutality
and commercial banality.
Welcome in our monastery!
- it's unlike what you elsewhere see;
here digital technology
meets reason based theology.
A place of true research and faith,
of knowledge for the human race
- a place to change the human life
to help the mankind to survive...
- a sincerely confessed plastic shamen |