of the alchemy.
the ancient predecessor of chemistry. The main intentions of alchemy
were of mystical nature (and not of cheating people by producing counterfeit
gold). A main aspect of alchemy was to achieve spiritual development by
the immediate mystical realization of the nature, behaviour and transformation
of certain substances.
The spiritual work with latex and resonator based psychedelics has many things common with the mystical main concept of alchemy (also see here and here), although it is way less toxic and dangerous than the historical alchemistical methods.
(In the historical alchemy besides sulphur the toxic mercury belonged to the most important main substances of experimentation, and in the attempt of finding a formula for the magical "philosophers stone" in compounds with these, intentionally or unintentionally often many drug- like working vapours and substances came into being, those had besides psychoactive also brain destroying results. The nowadays combination of sulphur with natural latex sap (those 2 result in vulcanization) are a much healthier, environmental friendlier and at least as exciting and spiritually powerful alternative to realize the principles of the cosmos - and this all without toasting your brain by heavy metals.)
a bad smell (like e.g. from certain chemical rubber
sorts or additives) that disturbs meditation and hinders the prana flow
in pranayama.
(Smelly organic solvent vapours can be a serious, brain destroying health danger - tips and warnings about this stand here. About the smells of pure natural latex rubber can be read more on this page.)
any of the body postures of the yoga. (The term is also sometimes used
for other meditation postures.)
rubberist scene term for a sleeping bag made
of rubber (or other foil materials) that can be used
for meditation.
The psychedelic working principles of such a bag include sensory deprivation and sweating. When applied properly, the person inside realizes a womb- like secure feeling of tranquility and intense harmony. Particular interesting in context of psychedelics are inflatable versions of such bags, because this form of resonator based psychedelics employs decoupling effects and modifies bodily vibrations (explanation see here).
The not so friendly term "bodybag" may have its origin in the sensory deprivation experiments of the 1960/ 1970th, those were performed by various scientists (e.g. Dr John C Lilly, E J Gold, Robert A. Monroe) in psychedelics laboratories all over the world - some with the intention to induce in a scientifically repeatable way so-called out-of-body experiences (astral voyages) those by ordinary people normally were only realized during near- death experiences. Possibly this association of realizing to become "dead" for a limited time and then being resurrected has lead to this term. The use of death symbols and terms for objects applied in ritualized trance experiences is nothing new - e.g. with dancing dervishes (muslim mystics) their hat symbolizes their tombstone and their coat symbolizes the shroud. Rubberists call the immobilized state of being wrapped in the bag often even "mummification", and some regard it as a kind of (lemmingish) endurance sport to stay enclosed in it as long as possible, which resembles quite a lot the behaviour of certain sadhus (fakir- like Hindu mystics) those let themselves bury alive enclosed in a wooden box with their legs folded back behind their head for 5 days (surviving a sort of hibernation state) in the belief to become more divine by this rebirth ritual. But possibly just real body bags (i.e. corpse bags, of plastic?) were used for sensory deprivation upon a time before dedicated latex sleeping bags were invented, and though the latter came to this not so nice name.
each of the 7 energetic main centers in the body (located along the
spine), those are involved in the regulation of bodily signal processing
and the interaction between body and consciousness. The chakras play important
roles for health, realization and spiritual development. Each chakra is
generated by a nerve center and interacts with one or a group of hormone
glands near its location those determine its operating point. The chakras
also control the signal generation in the skin's nervous system to communicate
with consciousness.
The sanskrit names of the chakras, their locations and hormone glands are:
(Note: The details of the chakra system and its behaviour are complex and beyond the scope of this text. Beside these chakras there are also various other energetic signal centers and structures in the body those interact with them, and some historical texts also call the many minor energetic centers in the body "chakras", which can be confusing. I therefore use the term "chakra" only for the 7 main ones and call the others rather "control circles".)
Charles Goodyear
that American workaholic genius who (re-) discovered in 1839 the process
of vulcanization, and though enabled the modern
industrial production of rubber goods from latex.
(Historical information about this very fascinating man can be found here on the links page.)
(sometimes spelled "ConOp")
the operator of a psychedelic apparatus
- esp. of one for multiple people or one that can not or not safely be
operated solely by the persons those travel into altered states of mind
by it.
The profession of a conop is difficult to explain in few words, but can be imagined best as something intermediate among medical hypnotist, multimedia engineer, tekkno discjockey/ videojockey and a shamen. Main task of a conop is to safely send people into altered states of mind and back and to guide them and monitor their voyage for recognizing incidents (like epileptic attacks, traumatic shocks etc.) soon enough to prevent harm. A conop needs besides a theoretical studying of drugfree psychedelics a long training to learn to do his job safely.
The term conop is an abbreviation for "console operator", where "console" originally stood for the technical control console that certain large psychedelic apparatuses have, but it also got the hidden, pun- like meaning of giving console (comfort) to human beings.
(to cure)
in context of elastomers: the technical process
of vulcanization, i.e. the process in which
liquid rubber ingredients turn solid.
control circle
consciousness physical term for any regulation system that can immediately
interact with (and be controlled by) consciousness at the lowest physical
level. (Details are rather complex and beyond the scope of this text.)
Control circles follow the laws of wholenesses
and though can become integral part of larger ones.
Important is regarding the human body, that the chakras and various minor such energetic signal centers are control circles. Though for a yogi this term can be roughly understood as a generalization of chakra. Besides the main chakras, 2 of the most important control circles of the human body are the ida- and pingala control circle. These energetic centers are located at the left and right side between clavicle and armpit of each side and co-ordinate the interplay among the chakras.
in psychedelics: the intensification of the
perception of internal bodily vibrations (pulse, heart beat etc.) to synchronize
distinct brain areas (e.g. both hemispheres) on the same brain wave frequency
to enable them to exchange data more efficiently (inducing a meditative
state of mind).
Methods for decoupling often also include sensory deprivation elements (due to shielding sensory organs from disturbing external signals usually improves the perception of internal bodily vibrations too), though the use of both terms often intersects because in practise these concepts can not be regarded separated from each other although they don't mean the same thing.
Molecule chains of a stretched elastomer begin
to slowly drift apart from each other when they or their crosslinks get
damaged by too high strain or temperature. This results in an increase
of steepness and long term hysteresis.
Molecule chains those are not fixed by crosslinks (like e.g. in thermoplastics)
drift around under mechanical load also without that molecules got torn
(More about such effects is explained on this page.)
abbreviation for Enlightening Elastomeric Experiences (the name
of that internet site that you are just reading at the moment).
the methodology of pre- stretching membrane areas of a resonator
by carefully driving them into the 3rd operating
range in a controlled way.
(More about elastAyama is explained here.)
the physics term for the class of rubber- like
materials. Elastomers consist of polymer molecule chains those are crosslinked
with each other in a network- like way by bridge molecules in relatively
wide distances. By the crosslinks the molecule chains can not easily flow
away from each other, therefore the material can't be melted without destroying
the molecule chains itself. Due to the crosslinks an elastomer object can
be regarded as an entity consisting of only one single, giant supermolecule.
Elastomers stand in continuous energetic interaction with cosmic vibrations. The mechanical energy an elastomer gains by being stretched it doesn't keep within itself, but transformed into heat energy it immediately radiates it out into the universe. When released, the elastomer demands this energy back from the universe to gain its elastic force.
(More detailed informations about the miraculous physical nature of elastomers can be read here.)
a neuro- cybernetical process, which leads to the activation of previously
unused brain areas and though (besides much others) enables the human being
to gain a much more comprehensive and holistic understanding of the universe
and though makes people wise. The enlightened immediately realizes, that
everything is integral part of a single, conscious, all- comprehensive
(the cosmic consciousness).
Enlightenment is nothing fictive, nothing insane and nothing contra- natural, but it is just a normal, biologically intended stage of becoming an adult human being - much like the puberty. Just like the puberty sets the genitals to full function after their grow has been completed, enlightenment is intended to do the same with the human brain and nervous system to activate it fully. The learning of sovereignous holistical understanding is crucial to become capable to bear responsibility, because without this capability the man tends to harmful and sufferance causing forms of egoism, and due to the by technology continuously increasing destructive power of the single man, this banal egoism nowadays has become the most massive danger for the further survival of the human race. The enlightenment also sets free a large amount of creativity in the human brain. Unfortunately enlightenment is still difficult and time consuming to reach. It is therefore important to understand, that the development of easy and safe methods to initiate the enlightenment process will be one of the most important future challenges those need to be managed by the mankind to secure its own survival and further development.
For the process of enlightening it is necessary to make the kundalinih rise upwards and to activate and correctly adjust all the chakras to let them forward the kundalinih data stream further. With the tradited methods of the past this task is complicated to perform, needs much work and usually takes very long time; despite the success rate of them is anything but sufficient (not least by various tradited errors). In great respect for the original yoga and the findings of the tantraic scientists of former times, I therefore research on the development of more effective modern methods and technologies for the ease of enlightenment to aid the human race's spiritual development and further perfectation.
(More about the enlightenment process and why of all just latex can be a help for it can be read here. Detailed scientifical information and neurological research results about the nature of enlightenment can be found e.g. on this site.)
Term of the Voodoo religion for an object that is particularly worshipped
by people those realize it as a transmitter of certain kinds of (feelable)
powers (see fetishism).
The worship and respect for certain (typically inanimate) objects for
being considered to have special, feelable powers.
Particularly known are the phenomenons of mystical and of sexual fetishism:
person who worships a fetish (see fetishism).
(adjective) irresponsibly dangerous abuses of (especially drugfree)
those by force intentionally or difficultly avoidable cause unconsciousness
in a way that extremely easily leads to brain damage or death. (E.g. breathe
control methods those by force interrupt the oxygen supply to the brain
completely for much longer than few seconds would fall into this category.)
(More about the correct application of drugfree psychedelics can be found on this page.)
floatation tank
(also known as "sensory deprivation tank" or "Samadhi tank")
a sensory deprivation device consisting
of a dark, closed, air- conditioned box filled with salt water of body
temperature, in which a person can float completely
and insulated against any disturbing signals from outside for a long time
to make it possible to easily reach a deep meditation state (also see
After releasing the stress from a stretched elastomer
that was operated in a high range for a longer time, due to drift
phenomenons the material usually can not entirely contract to its original
size anymore; the degree of this effect is called hysteresis.
(E.g. the material of ordinary toy balloons has extremely high hysteresis, which gets obvious after deflating it and comparing its now wrinkled state and size with a new and uninflated one. The hysteresis of high quality latex rubber sorts is by magnitudes lower.)
There is short term and long term hysteresis. While long term hysteresis mainly comes from permanent damage of molecule chains and crosslinks, short time hysteresis is rather based on tangled than on damaged molecules, though it disappears over time (within seconds to hours) when the molecules untangle by their vibrations again. How fast it will disappear strongly depends on the material, temperature and external motion. (Typically e.g. synthetic thermoplastic elastomers have very strong short term hysteresis, while good latex rubber has almost none and though can react instantaneously. Also low temperatures slow down the contraction of elastomers a lot. )
The details of what is happening inside elastomers during hysteresis and its disappearing are very complex (and yet still not fully understood?). E.g. in latex rubber new sulphur crosslinks can still come into being long times after the technical vulcanization process of its production has been finished. Though e.g. fresh rubber continues to vulcanize (cure) noticeable for at least many weeks after production, which makes its steepness (and stickiness) decrease by additionally generated crosslinks. The same way latex is capable to heal even certain of its drift damages (e.g. from 3rd range operation) over time as far it gets soon enough released to enable it to return to its original shape (by the help of the still intact fraction of its molecule chains). Possibly even broken molecule chains ends may find occasions to re-connect at their actual place.
By this reason, as a first aid measure for accidentally overloaded latex rubber it should be driven down completely to range 0 and gently massaged as soon as possible; almost like an exhausted living being soon needs recreation time and care to safe it from starving and permanent damages, also latex benefits a lot from such a "re- animation" procedure with a stress- free time for healing to survive an overload without severe permanent hysteresis injuries.
(More about hysteresis stands on this page.)
a strong, energetic, hot and ecstatic feeling signal flow in the spinal
cord, that typically ascends from the muladhara chakra
(at lower spine end) upwards to the sahashrara chakra (perceived
above the head) during the process of enlightenment.
Condition for a successful rise of the kundalinih is the activation and
correct adjustment of each of the chakras, which can be performed e.g.
by the methodologies of yoga. The details of this are rather complex and
beyond the scope of this glossary. The ascending of the kundalinih has
neurologically many things common with an orgasm (but it feels much better
and lasts way longer).
Important: Enlightenment can generally not be achieved by simply increasing any kind of intensity to force the kundalinih upwards by raw force. Attempts of doing so result in maladjustment and potentially damage of the nervous system, and this rather prevents enlightenment.
(note: Some people also spell this term "kundalini", but in sanskrit the 2nd "i" is stressed, though the ending on "ih" is a more correct transcription. Scientifical details about the kundalinih can be found here.)
note: Any industrially produced solid products claimed to be of "latex" (or even "pure latex") are always vulcanized with sulphur and therefore genuinely "latex rubber". Non- vulcanized latex would have chewing- gum- like properties and would get very sticky and smeary at summer temperatures and brittle by winter coldness and therefore as a material would be quite unusable for any serious applications.
The great advantage of natural latex rubber is that it is the most stretchable rubber compound, smells not unpleasant and is non- toxic. The bad side of this natural organic material without chemical additives is that it disintegrates quite easy; its molecule structure gets already attacked by air pollutions like ozone, by UV radiation (direct sunlight), by long exposure to humidity, and especially it must not get in contact with anything oily or fatty, because fats dissolve latex very fast (within hours).
(More about latex care stands on this page.)
Unique with natural latex is also that besides 95% isoprene molecules it contains particular other compounds those make its rubber crystallize when stretched (and this way make it more tear resistant), make it feel tacky and help it to organize itself into perfect molecule chains (and though to regenerate/ heal itself when released after overstretching). Unlike the isoprene, these mysterious 5% of additional natural substances can still not be exactly duplicated in synthetic elastomers and likely also have much to do with the unique bioenergetic qualities of the mystical material latex.
mind machine
(sometimes called "brain machine")
each of a class of technical devices for inducing altered
states of mind - esp. those that are mainly based on electronic components
and synchronize brain waves.
The most common type of mind machines are opto- acoustical ones; these are devices those synchronize the user's brain waves by flashing lights and modulated electronic sounds - often designed as walkman- like small electronic portables with headphones and special spectacles containing flashing LEDs. There are also mind machines those stimulate the brain with electric or magnetic pulses, but this type is rather dangerous and should be avoided because at least at high intensities they can cause severe maladjustment of the nervous system and even brain damage.
The term "mind machine" is (at least in advertisements) most often applied for the above mentioned types of devices, but it is also used for biofeedback devices and some people even regard any technical drugfree psychedelic devices of sufficient complexity (e.g. floatation tanks) as "mind machines" (also see here).
In context of resonators and other psychedelic
latex equipment "noble" is an adjective describing a very pure and ideal
kind of natural latex rubber that is perfectly suited
for meditation. To be noble, such a material has to be free of unhealthy
chemicals and any antiprana, but may have only
a very mild and pleasant, natural- organic smell. It should be of high
stretchability with very low hysteresis and must have no tendencies to
material faults or spontaneous decomposition.
Wishable would be also high resistance against sweat and soap water, ozone and UV light, but this is likely uncombineable with the above declared necessary properties, therefore all real existing noble latex sorts need to be treated with great care.
Modern rubber sorts are mostly made with unhealthy and bad smelling chemical additives to make them more stabile against contact with ozone, water etc. and especially for the banal reason to produce them faster and cheaper. Though noble latex rubber is nowadays relatively rare and difficult to find. Due to latex rubber sorts can smell extremely differently, and the lack of antiprana is very important for success in meditation, noble ones are something very particular and precious.
(More about the different smells of latex stands also here, more about latex care is explained on this page.)
operating range
The operating range of an elastomer object
is a measure for degree the material is stretched.
range | relative strain
(of max. possible) |
0 | - | not stretched. |
1 | < 20% | only stretched little. There is no danger of damage in this range. |
2 | 20..75% | much stretched. Most rubber sorts turn more transparent or whiter here. Little drift can be present. |
3 | > 75% | stretched so much that the material gets feelable
Strong drift begins =>danger of destruction when operated this way for a longer time. |
(More details about this are explained here.)
a corrosive special form of oxygen with 3 atoms per molecule. Ozone
causes headache, sore throat and is the most overlooked and worst to avoid
damaging substance. Ozone exposure makes latex turn pale, smell bitter
and makes the surface rough and finally crack over time.
Many people still think that latex would bleach out and crack mainly by UV radiation from direct sunlight and fluorescent tubes, but unless it is intentionally placed in the blazing sun, in real life not UV light but ozone causes this damage, and because such ozone is produced (from other air pollutants like exhaust gasses) only by the presence of UV light, there is the common misconception that UV radiation itself would damage latex this way. E.g. in shopping centers rubber gloves bleach and crack only exactly where their plastic packaging bags have holes, despite the UV shielding effect of the thin transparent PE packaging foil is negligible. Also only unpackaged rubber hot water bottles in shopping centers bleach out uglily while ones in plastic bags stay like new. This proves that the damage is not caused by the UV light itself, but from airborne ozone that was generated by it. But ozone is not only a summer smog problem but is also emitted by photocopiers, laser printer, most electric motors and everything else that makes electric sparks, therefore keep latex away from such devices.
To protect latex against ozone from room air, it should be stored best in completely dry state in an airtight container (e.g. PE plastic bag or Tupper style refrigerator boxes). But due to latex garments and psychedelic devices with strong contact to sweat (or any body fluids) must be washed after every use to prevent deterioration by natural body oils, and any overlooked humidity residues from washing would make latex rot when they can't vapour out, in reality it is not recommended to store such latex equipment in hermetically sealed containers. Instead of this a storage case with ventilation hole with integrated activated carbon filter (e.g. piece of kitchen hood smell filter) against the ozone should be used as the safest solution. Also do not keep latex in severely stretched or sharply folded state for a long time - particularly never store it cross- folded (e.g. don't fold an already horizontally folded area vertically), because this drives it locally into 2nd or 3rd operating range, which not only can cause visible deformations but drastically accelerates the destructive effect of ozone and other harmful influences.
If you urgently want to keep latex objects visible around in your room (where they are exposed to air pollutants), it is a very good idea to treat them with viscous silicone oil (sold as latex care product) all few weeks for ozone protection. Also the car cockpit care product Armor All is reported to build up a permanent (silicone rubber?) coating on surfaces which is claimed to protect rubber against ozone, static electricity and UV radiation. (I haven't tried the latter yet.)
plastic shamen
The term "plastic shamen" was originally used
by shamens of aboriginal tribes, intended as a swearword to scold other
shamens those had broken with (or never had) roots in a traditional native
way of life and though were assimilated by ordinary city population. Classic
shamens therefore don't call themselves this way, but I (Aerial) am a confessed
plastic shamen - and that's something different...
A (confessed) plastic shamen is a person who applies modern age's objects (often of plastic) in shamen- like ways as spiritual tools for drugfree psychedelics to realize mystical experiences and consciously perceive the divine mystical unity between the man and the cosmos we all are part of.
classical yoga term for a kind of cosmic life force that can be felt
within and outside the human body. In some aspects it can be imagined as
a form of consciousness controlled energy, but this definition is not always
sufficient, because regarding yoga, in many other aspects it rather resembles
a data flow than what physics defines as energy.
I therefore avoid to blindly translate prana with "energy" (unlike many esoterics do), because in historical yoga texts various other phenomenons are called prana, though I regard it rather as a kind of holistic rating magnitude than anything banal that could be stored in a battery.
the breathe exercises of the yoga.
(Also read here about the principles of breathe control.)
Certain altered states of mind have proven to be necessary as a tool to make more of the capabilities of the human brain available. Though it is important to research for finding safe and effective methods to achieve such states, to make it possible to prepare the human brain for the challenges of the coming millennium and also to free the mankind from any necessarity of trying out any of these lousy, brain destroying and socially harmful drugs just to explore altered states of mind.
(This site only covers drugfree forms of psychedelics.)
a meditation assana employing resonators.
In context of modern psychedelics
a resonator is typically an inflatable membrane structure with the main
purpose of conducting, intensifying and modifying bodily vibration signals
to synchronize the brain waves to ease meditation.
(More about the basics of resonators can be read here.)
based psychedelics
all forms of drugfree psychedelics equipment
those function by employing the principles known from resonators.
the methodology of the use of resonators as
a sound instrument. (On resonators can e.g. be played music by gently drumming
with the fingers on it. This is especially well suited for meditation and
music therapy.)
(More informations about resonaKampaña can be read here. The correct pronunciation of this term is "resona kampa-nga"; the "ñ" means a "ng" like in "gong".)
a general term for elastomer materials, independent
from whether they are made from natural or synthetic substances or combinations
of both. The term "rubber" in its modern technical/ engineer scientifical
use always stands for a manmade solid product as a result of a more or
less industrial manufacturing process.
"Natural rubber" is a material produced by vulcanizing natural latex (typically without a large fraction of other chemical ingredients than sulphur). Unfortunately this term is not standardized, though even so-called "natural" rubber sorts can contain unhealthy chemical additives.
(About health aspects of rubber also see here.)
rubber cement
a special kind of glue that contains liquid latex,
sulphur and a solvent. Rubber cement is the only glue that permits to make
seams in latex rubber as stretchable and strong as
the latex itself, because it does not add a foreign material but solidifies
itself into genuine latex rubber.
In general a cement is a special glue that bonds a corresponding material chemically and not just physically, which can make the bond as strong as the material itself. For this the cement and the cemented material must be chemically very similar.
Due to solvents can be very toxic and brain destroying (see here) and tend to vapour out of glues for decades, only the non- toxic ammonia based rubber cement should be used for psychedelic latex equipment and garments. The classic type of white rubber cement (e.g. Copydex) contains mainly water and only little ammonia, which makes it so harmless that in England it is even used by kindergarten children to glue felt pictures and in offices as a removable paper glue, because the only thing it glues strongly is latex rubber and very porous materials. Also the room temperature vulcanizing liquid latex sold for mask making and body art performances etc. (see here) is a very similar substance.
To glue latex rubber with non- toxic rubber cement, the latex seam surfaces must be cleaned with isopropanol or soap water (rinse soap off with fresh water) and should be roughened with fine sand paper. Typically an additional solvent needs to be added to make the cement bond well to them. With some latex rubber sorts this can be simply soap water (use only unscented and fat- free ("non- remoisturizing") dish washing soap) in which the latex has to be soaked about 25 minutes to 1 hour - then rinse and quickly wipe it dry with a cloth without letting it dry out. Also acetone works as a solvent, but it needs to be added immediately before the first cement layer because it vapours away rapidly. (The acetone bottle should have only a small dripper hole to reduce unnecessary solvent vapours.) Strong technical solvents like xylol, toluol, benzol, styrol or gasoline should not be used because they emit toxic fumes for decades. Instead of these, certain natural essential oils (e.g. tangerine) may be used as strong solvents, but this is highly experimental and I can't guarantee them to work because they tend to leave minimal resin residues those may weaken the bond. Strong solvents generally curl and roll latex rubber badly (it trashes and bends itself by "the pain" of the attacking solvent) and make it weak and vulnerable so long it is soaked, thus reinforce its back with weak adhesive tape ("masking tape") to ease gluing. (Try the tape on a similar latex rubber scrap before use, because a wrong adhesive tape can damage latex or transfer its gummy glue layer to the latex when removed.)
The rubber cement must be applied as a thin layer onto both seam surfaces (when solvents are used, before the solvent is vapoured out) and then let it dry about 15..20 minutes. So far necessary (depends on cement and latex rubber sort) add a 2nd thin layer and let it dry also. Then add a very thin (!) final layer to one surface, immediately press both surfaces firmly together with a roller (or glass bottle etc. - use a pressing board and clamp for long seams or higher pressure) and let the seam dry at least 1 hour without moving. (The seam needs at least 24 hours curing time to vulcanize to full strength.) It is crucial only to add very thin rubber cement layers to the surfaces because the water in the cement must urgently vapour out before pressing them together (the white cement turns transparent to indicate this). Otherwise liquid rubber cement blobs would stay sealed inside the solidifying glue seam, and since water diffuses only very slowly through solid latex, these blobs would stay liquid and chemically active for days or weeks and tear the already vulcanized parts of the glue seam off the surface as soon they get squeezed by anything. Therefore it also should be strictly avoided to irregularly re- press the glue seam while it has already started to cure; the seam may only be pressed flat or corrected while the final cement layer has not begun to solidify yet (i.e. often only about the first 30 seconds); if you are too slow, the cement will instead turn into a sort-of crumbly cottage cheese and separate from the surfaces. To spread the cement as thin as possible, use a small plastic spatula (e.g. a piece of a polyethylene sheet plastic package), or for the 1st layer simply apply it onto one seam surface, press both surfaces quickly together (squeezing out excess cement) and immediately pull them apart again before the cement gets any chance to solidify. The stickiness of excess glue can be bound later with corn starch or talc powder.
For latex inflatables generally only rubber cement should be used due to its superior stretchability. Rubber cement does not just stick as a foreign material patch between pieces of latex, but it can make them ideally grow together and become entirely one even at molecular level. This way it can even heal porous and cracked latex surfaces well (and not just clog them up with a different material), which is also alchemistically important because with resonators it does not disturb the prana flow like other materials possibly would.
(usu. sexual) rubber/ latex-fetishist,
i.e. people those are particularly fascinated by the sensual qualities
of rubber.
sensory deprivation
psychedelics term for:
Important is not to confuse this with the abuse of forced sensory deprivation for (genuine) torture, which may rather lead to brain damage. Particularly during the cold war era USA and USSR boasted in mass media of having the most effective brainwash methods. So as part of their mutual detention a lot of false horror stories were spread those claimed the rapid deadly and mind destroying effects of sensory deprivation, those also found their way into Hollywood movies and gave sensory deprivation a very bad public image. Nowadays many people have done for self- realization voluntary endurance tests of multiple days in floatation tanks or total enclosure rubberist equipment. Beside that it causes temporary daydreaming during the experience, no serious negative side effects were found.
a class of synthetic organic compounds containing the element silicon.
Many of these are quite non- toxic, but not bio- degradable.
Silicone rubber is a synthetic elastomer of which non- toxic and smell- free variants exist. Unlike latex it does not deteriorate by contact with oils/ fats, humidity and ozone. Unfortunately silicone rubbers are typically way less stretchable than latex and tear easy, which limits their usability for replacing latex in psychedelic equipment. (Read here about silicone rubber resonators.)
Silicone oil is the only oil that does not destroy latex and therefore is well suited to protect latex rubber from sticking to itself and to make it shine. Despite medical sorts are normally non- toxic, it must be avoided that larger amounts of it get into the human body, because it can not be degraded by the immune system and therefore remains of it can travel around everywhere in the blood circuit and block cell nutrition etc. (and though e.g. cause brain damages or cancer, like known from leaky breast implants). The vapour of silicone oil sprays therefore must not be inhaled; for latex care I therefore strictly recommend to use a bottle of it and a rag instead of sprays. Cheap silicone oil lubricant spray may also contain toxic and/ or allergy causing chemical remains, therefore only medical grade silicone oil should be used to care for psychedelic latex equipment or anything else that is intended to be exposed to the human body. Regard that there are warnings that silicone oils may decompose silicone rubber.
Latex rubber is an aromatic natural plant material
that exists with a tremendous variety of different smells. While some of
these are unpleasant antiprana or hint to toxic
additives, others can be quite pleasant scents.
Unfortunately unlike with what the alcoholics claim about wines and unlike with many delicatessen foods, there was yet no official system of classification for the various smells of latex, because on this planet it is (even with rubberist scene equipment) still misregarded as a banal technical work material instead of acknowledging it as an aromatic sensual experience product.
This is a classification chart for latex smells:
Latex rubber can easily pick up foreign environmental smells from room air and its own smell turns bitter by exposure to ozone. To preserve its original smell, it should therefore not be washed with scented soaps and ideally stored best in completely dried state in an airtight container (e.g. PE plastic bag or Tupper style refrigerator boxes). But due to latex garments and psychedelic devices with strong contact to sweat (or any body fluids) must be washed after every use to prevent deterioration by natural body oils, and any overlooked humidity residues from washing would make latex rot when they can't vapour out, in reality it is not recommended to store such latex equipment in hermetically sealed containers. Instead a special storage case with ventilation hole with integrated carbon filter (see ozone) is the likely best compromise.good smells
These are natural and desired smells those noble latex rubber may have. However, the smell intensity of ideal noble latex should be always rather low since too strong smells generally tend to disturb meditation.cacao
a natural latex smell that resembles cacao or chocolate. This smell seems to depend on the raw latex sort and tends to appear more or less together with the smoke smell, thus it is possibly only present with smoked (fire dried) latex.cheese
a natural smell resembling gouda cheese. In combination with ammonia smell it can also resemble older camembert or harzer cheese.fishy
a fresh and quite pleasant smelling sulphureous aroma that resembles fresh fish. This smell is simply caused by the sulphur used for vulcanization, and may hint to additional sulphur powder used for surface hardening with new latex. (In opposite to this, a foul and unpleasant sulphureous odour is called rotten eggs.)honey
a pleasant scent like honey, which may hint that natural beeswax was added as a non- toxic additive or surface coating. (E.g. some BECO latex swimcaps smell this way.)meadow sweat
a scent resembling human body smell after sleeping in a meadow. This particular smell seems to be mainly present with rose or red coloured latex, thus it is likely caused by a certain red dye substance.soap
a smell resembling unscented hand soap.vanilla
a pleasant scent resembling vanilla, which is typical for fresh noble latex.unwanted smells
These smells tend to be unpleasant or distract from meditation; they therefore are not desired in noble latex although they are not necessarily harmful.ammonia
a pungent smell like ammonia. This smell is caused by ammonia solution which is used as a pre- vulcanization inhibitor so long raw latex is stored in liquid state. (Fortunately ammonia residues tend to vapour out soon during normal use.)bitter
a bitter smell like an old and hazy latex toy balloon that was left out in the sun. This is a natural smell caused when latex is damaged by oxidization, which happens mainly by ozone exposure from incorrect storage, but it happens also when latex was driven into a high operating range for a long time.burnt
a bitter smell like burnt rubber. This smell is likely caused when the raw latex was overheated during drying or heat vulcanization.chlorine
a smell like swimming pool water. This is caused when the latex surface was hardened by chlorination - especially when improper methods were used.crisp bread
an odd variant of the smoke smell that resembles crisp bread. (My "Madame" latex doll smells this way.)leek
a smell like leek or soup vegetables. When noble latex rubber decomposes into a brown pulp or crumbly mess, it often smells this way; so this smell may hint that latex is rotting or about to decompose.musty
an unpleasant smell resembling an old and humid cardboard box. Such a smell can be picked up by latex from environment or come into being by wrong (too humid?) storage. Possibly also certain chemical additives smell this way, because this smell often occurs together with metallic smell.perfume
some latex products seem to be scented with artificial fragrances. These chemicals can disturb meditation and many fragrances contain unhealthy chemicals.plastic
a smell similar like new polyethylene plastic bags. This smell hints either to a sort of smooth plastic coating or is caused when the very fresh latex was sealed into a smelly plastic bag. (Certain Speedo latex swimcaps smell this way.)rancid
see bitter.smoke
a smell like smoke from burning plants or wood. This is likely caused when the raw rubber tree sap was turned into a solid round block by a primitive process of drying it on a spit over an open fire ("smoking"). But because latex easily attracts foreign smells, it can be also caused by contact with e.g. tobacco smoke from the lung torpedoes of rubber factory workers.soot
a smell like coals. This is caused by the soot that is added to some black rubber sorts to dye it black and make it a bit more resistant against ozone. (Also black rubber sorts without this smell exist - e.g. black Arena swimcaps don't smell sooty at all.)wax
a smell like synthetic candle wax (paraffin) or vaseline. In opposite to this natural beeswax has a honey smell. (A very waxy smell have e.g. the "Creatures of the World" rubber toy animals made by Imperial Toys.)harmful smells
These rubber smells hint to toxic or maladjusting chemical additives and thus should be avoided in any psychedelic devices, latex garments or sensual experience products.BuNa
a characteristic chemical rubber smell that resembles somewhat diesel or motor oil. This smell hints to synthetic butyl rubber (BuNa) which has properties inferior to latex and is reported that it can contain toxic/ cancer inducing chemicals. (This smell is often present with cheap rubber hot water bottles.)foul
see rotten eggs.metallic
a pungent smell resembling oxidized wet zinc or tin metal. This antiprana can hint that either the material is a certain likely toxic silicone rubber sort or that latex rubber was powdered with skin irritating zinc oxide powder. (With new latex wash off such itching- powder thoroughly.)Zinc oxide is also used within some rubber compounds, but apparently also decomposition products of certain types of cacao smell can later stink this way. I guess this is harmless, although unpleasant.
a pungent odour like xylol, toluol or styrol, which resembles lacquer thinners. This antiprana hints to the presence of brain damaging organic solvents or toxic nitril surface hardeners.petrol
a pungent odour like gasoline, benzol, lighter fuel or petrol. This antiprana hints to the presence of brain damaging organic solvents.rotten eggs
a foul, unpleasant sulphureous odour that resembles rotten eggs. This antiprana is particularly often present with black rubber sorts and can hint to the presence of the neurotoxic chemical carbon disulphide. (In opposite to this, a fresh and pleasant kind of sulphureous smell is called fishy.)solvent
a pungent odour of petrol or nitro solvents or mixtures of these. This antiprana hints to the presence of brain damaging organic solvents.tar
a pungent odour like boiling asphalt at a road construction site, which is often accompanied by BuNa smell. This antiprana is mainly present with new tyres and other technical black, semi- synthetic rubber products those tend to contain toxic chemical additives. This antiprana resembles a combination of soot, petrol and bitter smell.
(More about the different smells of latex stands also here.)
The sensitivity with that an area of an elastomer
object (e.g. the membrane of a resonator) reacts
on a small increase of stress with an increase of strain is called its
"steepness" (due to the steepness of the material curve in the stress/
strain diagram).
The steepness depends on the material, its thickness, its actual degree of strain, the temperature and many other parameters. It can grossly be described as the actual softness of the material.
trance hood
(colloquial term for) an inflatable latex hood
used for meditation or deep relaxation to induce altered states of mind.
It usually includes means to shield the wearers senses (by varying degree) from the outer world; some types also include means to modify breathing. Trance hoods are often worn together with a trance suit. Technically they constitute a form of resonator based psychedelics.
(Read more about it here.)
trance suit
(colloquial term for) an inflatable latex suit
used for meditation or deep relaxation to induce altered states of mind.
Typically these suits are dual layer, i.e. they constitute of an inner and outer membrane. When inflated, the inner membrane tightly touches the wearer's body, which provide a special kind of full body hug sensation. But also single layer suits with airtight cuff seals (built like a drysuit) can be used for this. Technically they are a sophisticated form of resonator based psychedelics.
(Read more about it here.)
Note: In the tekkno music scene, the term "trance suit" is sometimes also used for a certain kind of fashion clothing worn in tekkno discos. These garments have nothing to do with it.
vacuum bed
a common (but not very logical) rubberist
term for vacuum rack.
vacuum rack
(also called "vacuum bed")
a psychedelic and sensual experience device
consisting of a bag of thin, typically clear
foil with an air tight zip at its top rim. The bag is stretched over a
rectangular, flat frame inside to keep its outer shape rectangular. By
an external vacuum pump a human being within the bag can be shrink- wrapped
between the bag's upper and lower latex foil (like in a vacuum sealed food
package), which immobilizes him almost completely at maximum vacuum strength;
breathing stays possible through a hose (typically connected to a latex
Note: Due to the immobilizing nature of the construction and the relatively high risk of suffocation in the case of failures, a vacuum rack can only be safely operated with the help of a 2nd person (like e.g. a conop).
Although this device looks rather like something painful and only suitable for domina bondage rituals, it is reported by at least one person that properly applied it isn't painful and can be a great meditation device for sensory deprivation experiences because it creates a similar womb- like feeling of harmony like the inflatable "bodybag". (A user report is here. For more info see this site.)
the process of crosslinking a liquid suspension of polymer molecules
in a way that it turns into a solid elastomer.
Natural latex can be vulcanized by mixing it with sulphur and exposing it to dry heat. The sulphur during this forms the crosslinks between the isoprene molecules in the latex suspension and makes it turn into natural rubber. The more sulphur is added, the harder and less stretchable the resulting product will get.
Publically well known is that the process of vulcanizing latex with sulphur was discovered in 1839 by Charles Goodyear (which lead to the modern industrial production of rubber goods). Less known is that already long times before him American native cultures knew the secret of sulphur vulcanization and applied it to create balls, ponchos, shoe soles and many other things of latex rubber, and there are also reports that some cultures applied plant ingredients (e.g. from the vine "Iponoea bona-nox" or the liana "Catonyction speciosum") instead of sulphur to transform the sticky substance into a useful material.
(Information about Charles Goodyear and the use of latex by American Natives can be found here on the links page.)
It is difficult to comprehensively describe the nature of a wholeness
in few words, but it is mostly equivalent to what in the science cybernetics
is called an "internally strongly coupled system". A wholeness is a system
in which each local change also has global effects and vice versa because
it has a very high degree of internal interaction. The most important aspect
of a wholeness is that it includes a higher degree of order than its separated
parts and that this state of order is dependent on the integrity of its
parts/ subsystems in a way that the order would collapse to a lower level
when parts get removed/ destroyed without adding other special, supporting
subsystems to replace them. Wholenesses can include other wholenesses of
lower order as integral parts and they can become integral part of higher
level wholenesses.
The bodies of living beings are e.g. wholenesses, which is easily verifiable on how difficult it is to keep separated body parts alive for transplantations. But also technical systems can be wholenesses. E.g. the software in a computer doesn't run anymore as soon as only small, possibly cheap, but necessary parts of the system get removed/ destroyed; i.e. the order of the system collapse to a lower level by this. Therefore a fundamental law of wholenesses is that the genuine value of an integral part of a wholeness can not be calculated banally by its sheer material value, but by that amount of order that would get lost in this and all surrounding wholenesses by removing/ destroying that part.
By all these criteria also an inflated structure like a resonator represents a wholeness (although possibly the simplest known one), because its shape and vibration processing capabilities (i.e. order) are dependant on the integrity of all of its parts and no parts can be simply separated/ removed from it without destroying these capabilities.
If you need more details about wholenesses; the transpersonal psychologist and philosopher Ken Wilber wrote many comprehensive books about the theory of wholenesses and their interactions. (I didn't read these very large books yet.)