Enlightening Elastomeric Experiences |
I am fascinated by the properties of rubber since my early childhood and nowadays I apply resonators of latex for meditation.
It is known as a relatively common phenomenon that many people feel a kind of erotic attraction to the sensual qualities of rubber, though sensual experiences with it are often still regarded as something that would be only useful in a context of sexuality. People those enjoy this kind of experiences are commonly called "latex/ rubber fetishists", and there are still many prejudices against sensual experiences with latex, though human beings those admit to like it get easily publically scolded as perverts - this is really a pity. There is a particular kind of physical "magic"* going out from this material, and I can understand well what these people intuitively feel when they joyfully expose themselves to it. Much like them I also enjoy to feel the material and perceive how it stretches etc., but latex can do so incredible much more. Unfortunately the full capabilities of the material only reveal themselves to a spiritually developed mind with a high grade of conscious awareness, which is no typical combination for mainly in sex interested people and their discussion environment, and to discuss about latex experiences at other places people still unnecessarily seem to easily regard as too embarrassing due to the common prejudices, which apparently prevented serious knowledge exchange yet.
There is probably no other inert
substance, which so excites the mind...*
Charles Goodyear, about vulcanized latex rubber
I apply latex equipment not for sexuality, but for meditation. Sexuality only uses the lower 2 chakras (muladhara and svadishtana) of the body (and orgasms tend to maladjust them badly), but latex is good for activating and interacting with all the chakras of a human being and not just with the lowest 2, though to restrict its use on sexuality is quite a waste of the capabilities of this incredible material.
I made the various times acknowledged experience, that the more my personal experimentation with latex equipment went into sexual/ orgasmic directions, the less joyful the experiences get, and especially the worse I feel afterward, because orgasms (especially with ejaculation) don't help anything and only maladjust the nervous system. Also the feeling of sexual orgasms is really pale and boring in comparison to those fascinating and wonderful experiences those can be gained by performing kundalinih* meditation without orgasms instead - I am not one of those stupid intensity freaks those are incapable to look further than just to continuously lurk for the next short "kick" or "thrill" or what ever the crazy leisure society may call it. Balancedness and lasting spiritual happiness is what I strive for, not that damned feeling like being puked out by a dragon, to that a maladjusted nervous system afterwards leads too.
*) Remark: The process of the ascending kundalinih energy in the human body, which is the basis of reaching enlightenment, includes even many neuro- cybernetical aspects those are quite similar to orgasms, and it partly needs the same infrastructural resources of the nervous system; this is the neurological reason why the maladjustments by orgasms cause trouble here.
In what I do there may be a tiny erotical aspect in it, but in no way at all I would ever regard resonators just as any simple kind of cheap sextoy or a banal replacement product for easing oneself from sexual frustrations. When applied correctly, resonators can indeed create very pleasant, harmonious and tender feelings, but the resonator technology is something own and not just a substitute for anything else. The main working principle of resonators is to intensify and modify bodily vibrations to synchronize brain waves, which makes of them a very effective tool for meditation and reaching altered states of mind (also see here). But there is much more what I perceive with latex. My relation to elastomers is not of a simple sexual, but much rather of a deeply mystical nature. For spiritually unknowing people it could perhaps even be described what I feel for it as something like a "relation of heart". Prejudiced heretics may certainly mock again now that just my oxytocine hormone would be messed up, but first they should read to the end to know what I mean. What fascinating kinds of particular experiences can be gained by applying latex resonators as a spiritual tool can be read in "The metaphysical secrets of latex".
Mystics and miscomprehensions...
Against us mystics there is one common prejudice claiming that we just would not have understood yet that we all live in a physical universe that follows physical laws and that we just would be still too stupid or to ignorant to understand and acknowledge these scientifical findings to find out that natural science is right and mysticism is wrong. In reality there is no contradiction between both; mysticism has to do with immediate conscious realization of the things itself, while natural science analyzes the same things from a view of an inactive external observer.
From quantum physics it is known that there is no observation without influencing the observed thing; separation between subject and object is an illusion; there are only participants, though the inactive external observers of the classic natural sciences is much rather the unrealistic concept in this universe than the immediate realization of the mystic. I know the official scientific worldview and how many deficits, statistical tricks and unproven dogmas it contains. When the scientific knowledge gets critically verified, every serious scientist will admit that there are much more unanswered than answered questions in the scientific worldview, and every new scientifical finding reveals even more unanswered new questions. E.g. none of the zillions of proudly presented physical differential equations can give any description what a single quantum will do within its uncertainty amplitude, and none of them describes at all how consciousness works and how it interacts with the matter of the brain. True mysticism doesn't mean to stupidly recite again and again accumulated superstitions and tradited religious fairy tales, but to free oneself from the need of believing in priest- made dogmas by enabling people to make their own experiences.
Reading reviews about a piece of music is not the same like the experience
of listening to it by oneself. A mystic is a person that isn't satisfied
by only reading about the nature of the cosmos; he wants to realize it
by his own consciousness. When applied without prejudices and dogmatism,
natural science and mysticism are both two equally good and each other
complementing ways of revealing the nature of the universe - propelled
by the same human archaic drive of striving for realization.
That latex has mystical qualities doesn't contradict at all with that the general working principles behind its behaviour can be read everywhere in ordinary physics books. In the opposite just these physical principles are the most important part of that strange miracle that makes elastomers and resonators of it so fascinating in the context of mystical experiences. To understand this has nothing to do with superstition; we just need to regard with an open mind what latex genuinely is.
Latex rubber is an elastomer - a very special form of matter that stands eventually in perpetual interaction and vibrant energetic exchange with the entire universe (also see here). Its behaviour is a directly feelable expression of the interaction between microcosm and macrocosm - the fundamental cosmic interplay between the order/ information principle and the entropy.
Latex is something very organic...
Latex is in many ways something very organic; an elastomer is way less "dead" and static than most other solid, inanimate materials. While e.g. ordinary thermoplastics at room temperature can be regarded as a liquid that has become so terribly viscous that its extremely long and fouled molecule chains got nearly completely immobile now, in an elastomer the molecule chains still remain nearly as mobile as in its previous, liquid, unvulcanized state - only protected from drifting completely apart by the crosslinks. This turns the material into something very unique - the elastomer represents physically a hermaphrodite between a relatively unviscous* liquid and something solid, which despite its tremendous molecular mobility doesn't flow apart, because the crosslinks of the vulcanization transform an entire moulded latex object basically into an entity of a single, giant molecule.
*) There are other sorts of elastomers those by their too long molecule chains have much more viscous aspects and though react indolent and slow like a snail, but well made latex rubber has none of these short- term hysteresis problems; it reacts as instantaneously on every force as a non- viscous liquid.
When we wanted to characterize the "personality" of this material in a kind of alchemistical way, then by this special nature latex could be well described as a "material of the infinite interactions". Latex rubber is a very dynamic, energetic material that perpetually exchanges energies with the universe and wants to interact with everything. It is a mediator between microcosm and macrocosm that can alter its molecular connections nearly a bit like an evolving brain. It can interact with us, but it also needs to be protected from interacting with things those would destroy it.
Latex is something paradox, a material of many contradictions...
A piece of latex rubber forms an entity of a single giant molecule and is the most stretchable manmade material we know. Otherwise the stretched material tears extremely easy apart as soon it begins to tear, because in a state of tension it conducts all vibration signals nearly undamped with high velocity, and though all the force that is guided by the material turns chain- reaction- like against the material itself and discharges as a signal of its own destruction when at an overloaded spot a crack evolves.
Encyclopedias and engineer books often describe rubber as vibration damping, but already from the resonator technology we know that this is not generally true. In the opposite it can basically even be said that the material "lives" from vibrations; without the vibrant motion of the heat energy surrounding us it would freeze to brittle ice. The elastomer needs their energies without permanently consuming them; it normally just receives and later releases energies again. The mechanical energy the elastomer gets when stretched it doesn't keep within itself, but transformed into heat energy it immediately radiates it out into the universe, and when released, the elastomer demands this energy back from the universe again to gain its elastic force. Though the being of an elastomer is a perpetual giving and taking; it transforms forces back and forward without storing their energy within itself - just by cleverly playing with vibrations and gently teasing the entropy.
The elastomer "lives" from this vibrant interplay with the entropy, but it also can easily "die" by this risky game it plays with the universe. Therefore despite that latex can appear very strong and extremely stretchable, it must be regarded that its force is limited and that the mechanical capabilities of this genuinely quite vulnerable form of matter must not be overestimated. Especially operation in a too high range is very strenuous for the material and leads despite of its crosslinks to molecular drift damages, which causes it to loose its strength and get easily destroyed when loaded further.
What I like least of latex...
What I like least of this otherwise wonderful
material are the drift problems, followed by its general tendencies to
But possibly for spiritual development these properties
of natural latex also have good sides and just need to be seen in a larger
cosmic context. Therefore it perhaps just needs to be regarded more mystically
to make sense - e.g. in a way that the personality of latex demands serious
respect and care from its "human partner" to teach us something important
for our live. An inflated structure of latex represents downright model-
like the important universal principle of a
Latex won't forget what one has done to it. Minor unholistic treatments
it will forgive, but repeated and long enduring reckless overload or other
contraholistic ill- treatments it will not tolerate and soon get destroyed.
Though the attempt of applying resonators of latex will teach everybody
unpleasant lessons so long he doesn't understand holistic behaviour and
especially that general principle that not everything that easily can be
done to a wholeness for a short time should also be done to it, and that
the wholeness would not necessarily also survive the same burden when carelessly
performed for longer or repeated again and again.
Regarding all this, for a mystic it should be basically one the most natural and obvious things to discover latex as a material of his choice to create tools for meditation and realizing the divine unity of the man and the cosmos we all participate in. It is difficult to understand that the known mystics and esoterics, monks, healers and alchemists have written a lot about the hidden inner qualities and spiritual use of crystals, minerals, metals and water, but not yet about that fascinating, "magical" material that is commonly known as rubber.
Most people yet strangelily regarded rubber only as something that was just good enough for technical, banal or ridiculous purposes. (See also here.) Also in the very few known cases where in typical esoterical applications latex foil was involved, it also got mostly used rather for relatively banal things like shielding undesired kinds of radiations or damping or insulating something in quite hidden ways, than for applying it as an active element for vibration transmission or other important purposes. (Later I learned that trance suits were used for esoteric things before I lived (see here), but it never became a trend or mass movement.)
latex... fetishism?!?
In the modern age the only well- known group of people on this planet that cares with great devotion about sensual experiences with rubber equipment yet are the so- called "sexual latex/ rubber fetishists", and these yet got rarely taken seriously, but due to their real or imagined connections to the painful games of the sado- maso scene, these latex fetishists still rather tend to get publically despised as perverts.
Otherwise when we take a closer look at the first known use of natural latex rubber at all in the human history, namely at the Aztec and Olmec cultures, then it can be found that at least here latex had a sacred meaning, and when we regard the genuine meaning of the term "fetishism", then the shamanic priests of that culture could be regarded indeed at nothing else then the world first "latex fetishists". But according to archeologists the Aztec religion was really nothing nice, but just an inhumane, bloody, brutal men- sacrification cult*. To remind this context when regarding the sado- maso image and such historical backgrounds of the modern latex fetishists scene shows up a quite strange historical parallel. But I wouldn't regard it as that sure that the origins of the once architecturally and artistically high developed Aztec culture were really just such a stupid cult of inhumane superstitions; there are several pieces of evidence (e.g. the Sacsayhuaman fortress ruin in Cuzco, Peru), those suggest in not easily disprovable ways that in ancient times this culture got influenced by contacts with extraterrestrials. In spite of that the parallel in the connection between latex and violence is quite strange; also later in the modern age slavery and wars were done for latex.
In a "Discovery" TV report archeologists explained that also the Maya had a much similar, extremely bloody religion like the Aztecs, in which the heads of sacrificed men were coated with latex fluid and then used as balls for their holy ball game tournaments, and later the Maya population ran away from their cities - not least to avoid to become sacrificed by their own power- hungry god kings. The strangest thing of all is that this Maya religion still exists; it is practised nowadays by shamens in a symbolized and less cruel variant; instead of real human blood they just use some red paint in their rituals, and to replace sacrification of real men, they now ritually burn tiny men dolls those are kneaded of nothing else then (likely unvulcanized) latex (!).
*) By the way: According to the "History of Balloons" in the "Complete Guide to Balloons and Ballooning" even the first balloon twist animals were invented by the cruel Aztecs, but not of latex, but made of the guts from sacrificed animals and men for their bloody sacrification rituals.
I personally can't understand at all why latex rubber and brutality got historically so badly intertwined with each other. Unlike leather, I would associate latex rubber and its sensual aspects much rather with tenderness than with cruelty; it corresponds much more to the "female" than the "male" principle; it is a material that reveals the subtle forces of the universe and that doesn't like treatment with brute force - a use for cruelty is against its nature. Especially inflatable latex objects like the resonators can create very deeply harmonizing effects those can free from aggression and violent intentions, though it is really time to add a different chapter to the history of latex, a chapter about its use as spiritual tool on a path of human perfectation - dedicated much rather to turn the human being from the beast- man into the God- man, to finally leave all that damned, sufferance- causing cruelty behind him.
What I like most of latex...
Elastomers and inflatable objects are like invented for each other. The way the static- dynamical equilibrium of such a structure with its myriads of particles forms a wholeness, is a fascinating physical miracle (also see here). (The way an inflatable object is dependent on and interacting with the planetary atmosphere's air pressure could also be regarded as a shamanic symbol for the human relation to Mother Earth/ Gaia.)
Latex rubber is something very organic and has in many ways the most life- like appeal of all inanimate, manmade materials. Also many of the physical conditions those would be harmful or lethal for a human being would also be harmful for a latex resonator; the environment in that a resonator can exists and stay functional is physically not that extremely different from the environment a living being from this planet can exist in. These organic aspects are one of the things I like much of latex.
I am sensually particularly fascinated by very thin and translucent latex membranes. Unfortunately resonators of these are quite fragile and can only be loaded in very limited ways with body weight.
Especially I am fascinated by the fine relief structures of rubber gloves, those often change their appearance much when inflated as resonators. By the varying thickness of the stretched membrane the tension of the material varies there a lot in gradient- like ways, which can be a very pretty sight and feels interesting. But it is not just how it looks and feels; with resonators also the way they interact with vibrations is influenced by these patterns, and during conscious awareness relocation (see here) I perceive that the local changes in the structure of the elastomer by these tension gradient zones seem to have many subtle, but very complex effects when interacting with consciousness, those can be compared best with the effects of the zones of varying electrical properties within a semiconductor crystal.
At the first superficial view nothing may appear less similar than the latex elastomer and a silicon crystal, but as well the electron motion in the semiconductor as the entire behaviour of the elastomer both depend on the same cosmic interplay between the order/ information principle and the entropy; though the crystallized silicon and the vulcanized latex are like 2 unequal brothers and sisters. Since aeons shamens and many other mystics use crystals as a tool for meditation and spiritual development. Crystals can interact with (e.g. bio-) photons and electrons in this cosmic interplay in many complex ways, but in spite of this their basical physical main structure remains stiff, though their level of interaction with the universe is limited - they would rather stubbornly crack than agree to change their shape. Latex is different; not only some photons and electrons, but its entire miraculous state of being takes part in this interplay, and when not ill- treated too much, it therefore can be bent and stretched without destruction, because the elastomer knows to keep its equilibrium upright without breaking or flowing apart.
In an alchemistical way it could be expressed that most aspects of crystals
with their sharp- edged stiffness are of the "male" principle, while
the elastomer is much more related to the "female" one. (That today's computers,
those have been mainly developed by mans, with all their stubborn and limited
digital yes- no logic base of all just on semiconductor crystals is therefore
not that astonishing. Regarding this, today's digital silicon technology
and latex equipment could for spiritual development perfectly complement
each other to create a spiritually quite fertile and exciting combination.)
People often use the metaphor that something "crystallizes" when structures
of new knowledge begin to evolve. I don't like this; something "crystallized"
can not adapt itself to anything new anymore without cracking, though any
"crystallized" kind of scientific worldview can only become sooner or later
a manmade piece of stubborn dogmatism, because due to the open nature of
science its worldview can always only be regarded as preliminary, and though
it must remain flexible enough to change paradigms over time to remain
scientific. Therefore I much rather prefer the metaphor of "vulcanizing"
Back to the resonators... By the same reasons I explained to be fascinated by the relief structures of rubber glove resonators, I also enjoy much the patterns of varying translucency by changes in the membrane thickness caused by imperfections, impurities, limitations of the production process or unequal stretch distribution by the geometry of inflated latex objects. On inflated resonators such shade structures can look very interesting. Latex is something very organic and no 2 resonators are exactly alike; though they are nearly a bit something like individuals. Important is here only that any kinds of thickness variations must not be too extreme or too badly distributed, because by hysteresis damages otherwise the membrane will get destroyed soon when operated higher than in the lowest 2nd range.
What I like much of rubber glove resonators are also their fingers. I enjoy when during meditation they can gently touch various shiatsu points of my face and couple the vibrations of my heartbeat etc. back to them. Interesting is also that the resonance frequency of the swinging, uninflated fingers can be quite low and though can intensify vibration signals in the brain wave frequency range.
What I also especially enjoy a lot is the methodology of resonaKampaña, i.e. to tenderly drum and make sounds on resonators. The inflated resonator represents a wholeness - the latex and air, vibrations and sound form something that unseparably belongs together. To meditate during this can be a very deep, harmonious experience.
Unfortunately one of the apparently unavoidable sides of rubber is that it smells. Unknowing people possibly imagine that it must be unbearable and nearly impossible to meditate due to these odours, though it is important to know that the smell of different rubber sorts can be absolute completely different and that it is crucial to use the right sorts of rubber to avoid bad consequences. (Read more about this here.)
Genuine natural latex rubber has only a very mild, sulphureous smell. This smell is perhaps a kind of unavoidable, but it is nothing evil and it doesn't smell that bad. Like the entire material also this smell is something very natural and organic; it can be regarded as part of the "personality" of the latex. Perhaps it could be compared with cheese, with sperm, with human sweat, perhaps even with bananas or similar natural organic things, but the chemical odours from a ride inside an ordinary petrol stinker (i.e. automobile) is way stronger and worse than this; they tend to makes me vomit and cause migraine, while with natural latex I have no such problems. In this universe nearly everything has its smell; also every human body smells (yes, also yours!), and I seriously doubt that good natural latex rubber smells in any way much stronger or more unpleasant than an average human body.
Even the natural latex rubber sorts can smell much different; some smell
even similar like cacao or milk coffee. Many sorts have new a strong kind
of bitter smell, that (although not chemical) may be found a little unpleasant
by some people. In past I thought that natural latex rubber would always
smell this way, but later I also found sorts without this stench (e.g.
the fantastic Tuffy gloves). The difference
between both is very comparable with the smell difference between burned
and non- burned vanilla pudding. I know that certain natural raw latex
sorts are produced by dripping the fresh natural latex sap onto a revolving
spit over a naked fire (like barbecuing a dead animal) to turn it into
a solid, round block of dried ("smoked") raw latex, while other latex tappers
instead roll the sap to flat raw latex sheets and let them naturally dry
by fresh air (like handmade paper) to make their product ready for shipping.
I assume that the bitter smell of many natural rubber sorts stems from
overheated raw latex due to such fire- drying processes (like with burned
pudding), while the well smelling sorts were air- dried instead. (I definitely
prefer the latter. It's a pity that well smelling latex is quite rare yet,
although I discovered that this bitter smell component seems to get weaker
over time. Bitter smell can also be result of ozone
By the way:
Did you know that much like with overheating electronic circuits, also an overloaded piece of rubber can be smelled? |
Latex equipment and enlightenment...
What we yogi call enlightenment is a neuro- cybernetical process which leads to the activation of previously unused brain areas and though (besides others) enables the man to gain a much more comprehensive, holistical understanding of the universe.
Very interesting is that already in 1970th the medical measurement instrument developer Itzak Bentov and the psychiatrist and eye doctor Dr. Lee Sanella found out that one condition for starting the enlightenment process (the awakening of the kundalinih) is that various brain areas get synchronized with each other, and that this synchronization during kundalinih meditation is typically induced by a measurable bodily resonance of acoustical waves around 7..8Hz, those are excited and intensified by the rhythm of the heart beat and its blood pressure waves. When the heart beat frequency, body posture and breath rhythm fit together in certain ways, these acoustical waves create special resonances everywhere in the body, and by the synchronous perception of these many different brain areas get synchronized on this common frequency, which causes the kundalinih signal (perceived as a subtle, but intense kind of ecstatic, hot feeling energy flow) to ascend upwards along the spine and finally create the very ecstatic perception of reaching a place above the head when enlightenment occurs. This stage causes the activation of lots of previously inactive brain areas by the re- configuration of brain and nervous system, which makes the man realize by cosmic consciousness the genuine nature of everything and instantly enables him to do sovereignous holistical thinking. (This is only an extremely brief comprehension of the enlightenment process, to explain the neuro- cybernetical basics more detailedly would be way beyond the scope of this text. Much more information about the kundalinih can be found on the sites here.)
Enlightenment is nothing fictive, nothing insane, and nothing contra- natural, but it is just a normal, biologically intended stage of becoming an adult human being - much like the puberty. Just like the puberty sets the genitals to full function after their grow has been finished, enlightenment is intended to do the same with the human brain to finally activate it fully. To learn sovereignous holistical understanding is crucial to become capable to bear responsibility, because without this capability the man tends to harmful and sufferance causing forms of egoism, and due to the by technology continuously increasing destructive power of the single man, these yet still common forms of selfishness nowadays have become the most massive danger for the further survival of the entire human race. Unfortunately enlightenment is still difficult and time consuming to reach, therefore it must finally be understood that to develop easy and safe methods to initiate the enlightenment process will be one of the most important future challenges those need to be managed by the mankind to secure its own survival and further development.
When we now remind that intensification, alteration and conduction of bodily vibration signals* are as well a very important component in the process of enlightening, as the main working principle of the resonator technology, it reveals that to develop particular inflatable latex constructions for meditation those are especially optimized to mechanically intensify this 7..8Hz resonance frequencies (e.g. by attached small weights swinging at it) could be a very fascinating and promising approach for solving this problem.
*) Already in the historical yoga texts are instructions in the food codex that the gases in stomach and guts need to remain movable and that also their amount seems to be important for the success of certain meditation exercises - regarding the resonance phenomenons this makes perfectly sense.
Around 7.8Hz also oscillates the electromagnetic Schumann resonance frequency of the ionosphere of planet Earth, therefore there are certain theories that the human brain communicates with our planet when it syncs itself on such frequency ranges. (Possibly here happens even subconsciously a phenomenon similar to the "conscious awareness relocation" exercises described here.) To apply here externally driven signal generators (like in a typical digital mind machine) instead of intensifying the body's own vibrations could therefore be a rather bad idea, because due to the wrong phase and/ or frequency of such artificial oscillators they possibly sync the brain rather out of tune instead of supporting it in tuning into the Schumann resonance. Unlike these, resonator- like concepts don't drive the body to a wrong phase or frequency by force, but only gently intensify already given ones in a feedback loop to ease their perception, without stubbornly hindering the brain to determine its signal phase and exact frequency by itself.
A gentle technology like the latex resonators and trance suits may therefore
be much better suited to interact with the human brain for certain kinds
of meditation than the stubborn digital oscillators of today's ordinary
mind machines. Especially when we remind how latex continuously exchanges
vibration signals with the cosmos and how an inflated structure of this
strangely organic, magical material stands by the perpetual particle motions
of the air pressure in direct interaction with the atmosphere of mother
Earth, for such kinds of meditations latex seems to be really an ideal
What latex means for me...
Latex resonators are a wonderful meditation tool and perhaps also a good mystical symbol for the important universal principle of a wholeness.
My work with the resonator technology has taught me a lot for my spiritual development and my life - much more than bookish scriptures. Latex has become something mystical for me.
If somebody in spite of all this still really feels the need to open a gross desk drawer to sort me in at the common cliché of a "latex fetishist" (I personally don't regard me so and would never describe me this way.), then I certainly will not fit into the ordinary category of a "sexual" fetishist, but much rather into that one of a "genuine" one. (I hope that the difference is known.:) )
I read that some sexual latex fetishists enjoy it to wear everywhere garments of latex hidden under their ordinary clothes, because it makes them happy always to feel it. Latex rubber seems to have a really strange power of intuitively fascinating people...
Sometimes tonight when I wake up, with my hands I tenderly play with the natural latex elastic band of my pyjamas, and often I feel by this act a kind of calmingly relieved - thinking of that there is always this strange material that "lives" from vibrations and that by its perpetual vibrant interaction with the universe represents a mediator between microcosm and macrocosm. I enjoy to be aware of that the elastomer participates in a much more archaic, more direct way in the same eternal quantum physical interplay with the divine cosmic consciousness than my own complicated brain, and that it shares these vibration signals with me.
When treated well, a latex resonator can become nearly something like a kind of mystical friend, which during meditation accompanies one on the mystical voyages to the origin of all being.
Despite it must be stressed that latex and resonators for me are not
something like a central core element of my religion, or something I regard
in a stupid, fairytale- like way as "magical" by itself, but just a very
good and efficient spiritual tool. Many other materials also include more
or less the same physical effects like elastomers; latex with its fascinating,
also sensually pleasant and spectacular properties is just a kind of perfect
mystical model or symbol for this principle of perpetual interaction.
The main working principles of resonators for reaching states of meditation base on easily measurable physical effects those synchronize the brain waves. Additional mystical functions of latex are only important for people those want to realize more than just relaxing. For the ease of learning meditation and other non- spiritual purposes active care about these aspects is not necessary; also a sceptic should be capable to reach a state of meditation just by correctly applying the resonator technology or other psychedelic latex equipment. The elastomer knows to do its job despite of this. |
confused? ;-)
Some people may have found this text really bizarre, but it must be stressed that about crystals mystics have written down a variety of similar descriptions and experiences since ancient times. What I realize is not that different from other yogis and shamens, unusual on this planet may only be the avantgardistic use of a different material. I hope that my knowledge about it, here presented in the internet, can help other people to also realize deep insights and many joyful experiences by the informations on this site.
Let's stay on the air...
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