Dear rubberists:
This intellectual site may appear uncommon to you, but don't fear
to contact me. I need your help and really won't bite you... ;-) |
Enlightening Elastomeric Experiences
to boldly do what no man has done before...
This internet site is something very avantgardistic,
and as a bridge site it certainly doesn't fit well into actual clichés
of the latex or rubberist sites commonly known on this planet. It shall
be a place of interdisciplinary information and knowledge exchange about
the various still publically little known aspects and hidden qualities
of latex/ rubber and inflatables, sensual and spiritual experiences with
them and their use for reaching altered states of mind.
Come and help me!
I want to show the world that latex is something
wonderful and that psychedelic experiences with it don't deserve it to
be treated as "pervert". This site shall become a place of joyful synergy
for many different kinds of people. But to make this site interesting and
versatile, I will need your help.
If you have digital information material related
to this site that you want to donate me, please
e-mail it to me. (But always ask before sending anything larger
than a few 100kB, and send large data always uninflated;)
, i.e. compressed as a ZIP file etc. With informations those are already
online (and will stay it for longer), please rather send me the internet
link than the material itself.)
What I need...
I am interesting in everything well fitting to
the topics of this site.
Especially I want:
infos if other people had mystical experiences
with inflatable latex objects or similar things. See here
what I mean.
reports and personal experiences about the use
of psychedelic rubberist equipment
(like inflatable latex suits, such "bodybags", breathe control gadgets,
in the widest sense bondage- like constructions for sensual experiences
etc.) in non- sexual and non- sadistic contexts*.
Especially I am interested in descriptions of the feelings and motivations
of using such equipment this way; also negative experiences with such equipment
(allergies, accidents, migraine etc.) and tips to prevent them (when not
already mentioned on this site) are welcome. I am also interested in such
reports about similar psychedelic equipment that is not strictly of rubber
(but of plastic etc.).
(*Note: I don't demand
here that the described people in general don't do sexual things at all;
I just want to collect here informations about other applications of such
I won't publish any reports about intentionally
causing pain or encouragements for extremely dangerous and unhealthy things
like flatliner stuff. This site is
not for praising cruelty/ sado- masochism, but about the responsible use
of latex equipment in drugfree psychedelics. (Why at all I care here about
non- sadistic uses of bondage- like special constructions can be read here.)
Also don't send uncommented large rubberist pictures; this is mainly a
site of information, not a fetish picture site. |
answers to the rubberist related questions
on this page.
scientific articles about the rubberist
psychedelic technology.
detailed informations about production and
of latex/ rubber by the Aztecs, Olmecs and other
ancient cultures.
Especially I am interested in spiritual and shamanic uses of latex and
its spiritual meaning there.
alchemistic or similar descriptions about latex and
its properties.
nowadays uses of latex/ rubber objects for mystical,
ritual and spiritual purposes. (Are there any yet in this "post Olmec"
other people's philosophical thoughts about elastomers/
rubber. Also poems or other forms of artistical expressions about this
topic are welcome, when they don't draw it too much into ridiculosity.
do-it-yourself tips and instructions for creating
things of rubber. Especially I am interested in instructions for building
inflatable latex objects and in methods/ substances to firmly cement rubber
foils in a non- toxic way.
internet links to related topics.
also comments and experiences from other users and
testers of meditation with the resonator technology
I introduced here are welcome.
What I don't want...
things those don't fit
to the topics of this site or illegal stuff.
What I also definitely won't include here:
uncommented collections of the known stupid hoaxes,
jokes and all that other comedy and comic stuff that has drawn the public
image of rubber and inflatable objects into ridiculosity and though obviously
already has prevented the mankind for long enough from seriously researching
about their sensual, psychedelic and metaphysical qualities.
psychological interpretations of a kind that only
consists of inappropriate, narrow- mindedly recited Freudian sexual prejudices
and similar sexistic platitudes - especially when they are used in a demonizing
uncommented spiritual descriptions those are presented
in a too demonizing or too brainwash- like way.
I always reserve the right to comment,
cut or partly censor texts those I regard as in their present form not
suitable for this site.

Click here
to contact me...
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